It's been happening since the 1930s, when the Salvation Army started serving doughnuts to soldiers during World War I.

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Going on 100 years later, you and I can get a free doughnut (or 'donut') today, in almost any town in Northern Colorado!  And donuts are happiness.  Here's where to get those:

  • Any Dunkin Donuts, if you buy a beverage.
  • Mr. Yo's in Windsor, a favorite of mine, as if you get there early enough, you can get crazy stuff like Twix Bar doughnuts.  And don't get me started on their apple fritters.  Ohhhhh man.
  • Peace, Love, and Little Donuts in Fort Collins.  Tried them last weekend?  A whole new level of deliciousness.  Probably worth paying the same price for little donuts, honestly.  Eat there more than once a year, however, and I would probably gain a hundred pounds.
  • LaMar's on Drake & Shields.
  • Donut Haus in Loveland.

On a side note, my three girls are HUGE Denver Bronco fans.  Oh, they don't know a thing about the team other than they wear orange jerseys - and, if they win?  King Soopers gives a free donut the next day.  If you have a kid, or you still are one yourself, you know it's imperative that the Broncos win every game.  (Maybe this year?)

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