Fort Collins residents are getting free mulch thanks to the City of Fort Collins Forestry Division.

Only Residents can pick up the mulch from 1380 Hoffman Mill Road on Saturday, June 27 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. The mulch is not available for commercial businesses.

Loading assistance will be available with a front-end loader. It will load the mulch into open-top vehicles or trailers. Residents are responsible for and should cover obtained loads.

The City of Fort Collins is actively monitoring the developments of COVID-19 (coronavirus) and working with City, State, and County public health partners. While hosting Public Mulch Day, precautions remain in place to protect the health and safety of both the public and City staff.

According to the City of Fort Collins Press Release, all residents participating in this event are asked to follow the procedures and guidelines listed below:

  • Remain in your vehicle at all times.
    • If you must exit your vehicle for any reason, including to cover your truck bed or trailer with tarp after mulch has been loaded, observe the minimum recommended physical distancing of 6 feet from other individuals at all times.
  • Face covering will be worn by all working the event and should be worn by all attending the event.
  • Refrain from attending the event if you, or anyone in your household, are exhibiting symptoms of illness.
  • Wash or sanitize hands before and after visiting Public Mulch Day. If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

Source: City of Fort Collins

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