These days, we’d like to think that kids have it pretty good here in Colorado. Surely, things must’ve been harder back in our day, right?

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Right now, kids in Colorado are getting aquariums that also have bowling alleys as well. Where was that when we were kids?

Many of them are also getting artificial intelligence based tutors for this upcoming school year. It’s specifically tailored towards them as well and gives them real-time feedback. Almost all of us were not afforded that luxury.

However, it may really not be that simple.

For example, for the children who live in Pueblo, they have to deal with the worst playgrounds in the entire country

In more serious news, it would appear that many children in Colorado are struggling not just because of things like the playground, but are simply not getting the care they need.

Kids Count Report Finds Many Colorado Kids Not Getting Basic Care

Each year, the Colorado Children’s Campaign releases a report called the “Kids Count”, which is meant to show how the children of the state are currently living.

As it would turn out, there is a significant amount of them that are currently struggling to get the basic care that they need. 

CBS Colorado dug through the report and found some truly alarming statistics.

For one, one out of every three kids in Colorado lives in a household that has to spend 30% of their income on housing.

Yet again, Colorado’s expensive housing market is rearing its ugly head yet again, with prices being on the top of everyone’s mind right now.

Another shocking statistic they found was that half of single parent households in Colorado need to spend half of their median income to afford center-based childcare. That’s absolutely absurd.

Many Colorado Kids Are Without Insurance

Quite possibly the most alarming statistic that CBS Colorado found in the report is that one in nine kids in Colorado are currently without insurance.

This is largely due to the rolling back of policies during the pandemic that gave more people access to Medicaid.

It has resulted in about 147,000 children getting off Medicaid since June of 2023. Not to mention the fact that 66,000 children are currently living in extreme poverty in Colorado, about 6% of the population. 

As a result, many children are not getting basic health examinations that they need, like check-ups and vaccinations.

These Are the Top 10 Best School Districts in Colorado

Each year, does a comprehensive look at the best school districts in each state. Each district is graded for their academics, teachers, clubs & activities, diversity, college prep, and administration. Afterwards, they are given an overall grade.
With all of this being said, here's the best school districts in Colorado for 2024.

These Are The 5 Richest Schools in Colorado

Colorado is a beautiful place to work and play, but it's also a great place to go to school. Some of Colorado's wealthiest schools and colleges date back to the late 1800s and have added up lots of money from gifts, tuition, and endowments. Take a look at the five wealthiest schools in the Centennial State.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

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