Google Does It Again: Drivers Get Stuck in Mud After Getting Re-Routed
Damn, Google, back at it again with the faulty re-routes. After a mudslide closed I-70 on Friday near Glenwood, drivers were re-routed by Google into a much stickier situation.
According to The Denver Channel, drivers could either wait for I-70 to clear or they could ask Google Maps what to do, and once again, that backfired.
One driver wound up sliding in the mud in his SUV, and eventually had to hitch a ride with a stranger to get out of there. He tells The Denver Channel that Google is 'full of it.'
A similar event happened earlier this summer as well, when over 100 drivers were led into a muddy field by Google Maps, trying to get to Denver International Airport.
See the story from The Denver Channel below, and use caution when using the Google Maps app, apparently.
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