New Study Finds Why Coloradans Are So Lonely
Colorado is home to many different communities that can offer people a great sense of belonging.

In fact, places like Denver have been rated as one of the best cities in the country for being able to find a community to belong to.
With that being said though, problems still arise here in Colorado. For example, one poll recently found that the issue most Coloradans are concerned about is the housing market, with 89% of participants finding that it is an extreme or very serious problem.
However, the same study also delved into an issue that has silently become an issue here in Colorado; loneliness.
How Much of a Problem is Loneliness in Colorado?
For a place that has some of the most diverse set of communities people can get involved with, it turns out some Coloradans struggle a bit with not feeling a sense of belonging.
According to CBS Colorado, who looked through data from the Colorado Health Foundation’s Pulse Poll, 75% of Coloradans feel like they belong in their community or their neighborhoods.
However, that means that a quarter of Coloradans feel like they are left out or do not have a community to call their own.
Each person has their own reasons why, but one turned out to be the largest contributing factor to loneliness in Colorado.
Political Beliefs Are the Top Reason for Colorado Loneliness
As it would turn out, political division is the main contributor for loneliness amongst Coloradans, and it isn’t particularly close.
Of the people who said they did not feel like they belonged in their community, 40% of them said it was because of their political beliefs.
The next closest reason was because of age, which is what 19% of respondents put down.
When it comes to the loneliest city in the entire state, that actually would be Pueblo.