We really went from zero to 60 — er, 60 to zero — when it comes to snowfall. Despite a very snowy start to winter, according to the National Weather Service, we haven't had this little snow in the Denver area in several years.  

The Denver Channel shared that the Front Range region usually sees five times as much snow between December and January, which is believable considering we've gotten like, none.

In November, Fort Collins got 18 to 24 inches of snow in just one day (and some of it may still be melting). That was a record-setting amount of snow for Fort Collins in November, not seen since the '70s. Now, there could be a different record set, and surprisingly, it's for the least amount of snow.

The National Weather Service reports that there has been less than three inches of snow in the area, which will make it the lowest amount of snow in that period since 2003, that is, if we finish out January without a storm.

Read more from The Denver Channel here... and brace yourselves, March is coming.

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