Your Neighbor Called, They Want Your Fall Leaves Fort Collins
They fall in all different colors and shapes. Fall leaves here in Northern Colorado are stunning, and then they're not. Piles of dead leaves add up quickly. What can you do with them? Well, Fort Collins community members have some options.
In Fort Collins leaves can be recycled for a fee by the Timberline Recycling Center, or through the Larimer County Landfill Green Waste Program. Some local trash services offer to pick leaves up for a fee. However, I've had luck with a free option that the City of Fort Collins encourages.
The free option is finding a neighbor who wants your leaves to use for composting or mulch. Social media has made this super easy to do. Use the neighborhood connecting site Nextdoor or local Facebook pages to post your free leaves.
No matter what option you choose to get rid of your leaves, you will still need to rake and bag them. That's a hard chore to avoid.
The City of Fort Collins:
Reusing, recycling and composting leaves helps the community’s zero-waste and climate action goals by keeping them out of landfills and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Leaves should not be raked or blown onto the street where they can clog storm drains and burning organic debris and yard waste is prohibited.

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