The Wyoming Department Of Transportation will be closing ten rest areas by the middle of this month as the state struggles to deal with major budgetary shortfalls brought about by low energy prices and the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to a news release from Governor Mark Gordon's office, the ten rest areas scheduled for closure include the following;

Lusk on US 18; Guernsey on US 26; Greybull on US 14-16-20; Moorcroft on Interstate 90; Star Valley on US 89; Ft. Steele on Interstate 80; Sundance on Interstate 90; Upton on US 16; and Orin Junction and Chugwater, both located on Interstate 25.

The closures are expected to save the state a little over $197,000 from June 15 through Sept. 30. The moves will then save the state almost $790,000 annually.


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