USA Today has found OpenTable's best in the U.S., and congrats to our neighbors on Main Street in Windsor, Chimney Park Restaurant & Bar: one of the top 100 places to eat in the country. 

While this is an awesome achievement for Chimney Park, it's not exactly the first time the upscale downtown Windsor joint has been recognized — in fact, it's the restaurant's third time making OpenTable's America's Top 100 list (first, in 2011 and again in 2015, Chimney Park shared on Facebook).

The restaurant is in a building that's been a part of Windsor's history since 1895, but has been serving up Chef Jason Schaeffer's work since 2007. On its tenth anniversary in 2017, Chimney Park was renovated, but the menu still consists of ' local, seasonal and organic products from Colorado and the surrounding region.'

You can read about how great it is all you want, or you can go taste for yourself.

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