Win Tickets + VIP Passes to Dashboard Confessional in Denver | 4 O’Clock Hookup With Shelby
Want to be serenaded with 'Stolen' in a private acoustic session before the show at Summit Music Hall on Monday? We've got your chance!
OK, I don't know if they'll play 'Stolen,' but they could. It won't matter, because you'll be in a VIP-only experience with DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL. Then, you can see the band all plugged in at Summit Music Hall afterwards.
Dashboard Confessional - 'We Fight'
This is happening Monday afternoon (April 9), so call in sick to work now, or do whatever you need to do, and tune in to my 4 O'Clock Hookup TODAY (April 4) on 94.3 The X for your chance to score 'em. Maybe get there at like, 3:58, just to be safe.