With all the snow we've gotten lately, can we expect a 'white Christmas' for the Fort Collins, Loveland and Greeley area this year, or should we keep dreaming? Here are the odds.

We'd say it's likely there will still be some white-ish stuff on the ground that's left over from a few weeks ago... but fresh powder? Well, we're saying there's a chance... 

According to the National Weather Service, there is a 'slight chance' of snow showers starting Tuesday, December 24, and snow is also possible on Christmas. Both days will be mostly cloudy, and at warmest around 40 degrees.

The National Weather Service's Christmas Climatology report shows the probability of a 'White Christmas' (at least one inch of snow on the ground). It predicts that Fort Collins, Loveland and Greeley have a anywhere between a 25 to 50 percent chance. Weather in Colorado is known to change, however (you know this), so you can check back here as the date gets closer.

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