I would like to have listed this sooner, but this information has done a great job of eluding me for the past week, until now.  So here goes!

Kew Launch Their New Treehouse Towers Play Area With An Easter Egg Hunt
Getty Images

Before passing on the list, I'll tell you the Easter egg hunt my family & I have enjoyed since my twins were born, and we lived in Wellington, which we did for years:

The Wellington Community Easter Egg Hunt at Harvest Farms continues to be well organized, and typically leaves us feeling great we went there.  They have different areas roped off for five or six different age groups, so big kids don't kill the little kids.  And, it appears, parents aren't allowed inside the areas, but of course, we surround them and cheer them on, and the whole deal is just so cute you can hardly stand it!!!  What a cherishable experience.  I love the area between Fort Collins & Wellington, anyway, for its flat, open lands, and Harvest Farms is good for the soul.  As you walk around, the kids also love seeing all the farm animals.

Pretty much every town has at least one hunt happening tomorrow.  This list includes ones way down to Golden and up into the mountains.  I hope you have a fun time.  To me, Easter was only about bunnies & eggs until I was in my 20s, but it has become much more.

Click on the image above for the entire list of Easter egg hunts!


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