Congratulations to Amy Buffington!  We drew Amy's name, so she's going to San Diego to see Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness!!!

KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas 2016 - Day 2
Getty Images

So, what does this mean for you?

It's time to win YOUR Cabin Fever Flyaway!!  Starting now, listen at 8am, 11am, 3pm, and 5pm, listen for your cue to call and see:

311 in Las Vegas on August 18th!  Just be caller 9 when you hear the cue to call at the top of those hours, weekdays.  800-595-2943.  Good luck!

Just two things:  1) 311 is ah-mazing in concert, so you want this, trust me!  2) When you win - I hope you're not allergic to pot smoke.  Otherwise - may want to prepare accordingly.  ;)

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