I love random stuff. I love seeing it, being a part of it, and watching it. I especially love writing about it, so that's why I wanted to tell you about this. I'm not much into gender reveal parties, just not my cup of tea. But in this case, it's pretty awesome.

According to KOAA, the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo down in Colorado Springs recently revealed that their brand new baby hippo is indeed a boy thanks to a really fun gender reveal involving the baby's dad and a big watermelon.

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The first-time hippo dad, 18-year-old Biko, smashed a watermelon with the insides dyed blue with animal-safe food coloring.

The zoo's 28-year-old female hippo, Zambezi, welcomed the calf on July 20. The baby hippo was born underwater, popped up, and swam to meet its mother.

Not only was that a really fun way to reveal the hippo's gender, but it is also a very historic event for the zoo: it's the first time a hippo has ever been born inside the zoo in its 32 years of existence.

If you head down to the zoo anytime soon, you'll be able to see Mama and Baby in their newest exhibit, Water's Edge/ Africa.


Animals of the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo



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