Local Walmarts Gave 75,000 Meals To The Hungry in Northern Colorado
It just sounds right that the largest grocery supplier in the U.S. would take a lead on feeding the under resourced. And they're doing it right outside our doors.
This week, Walmart locations in Northern Colorado were busy with a "Feed the Funnel" party, where store associates put together enough meals that you could give one to nearly every resident of Greeley! About 250 Walmart associates made up an assembly line at the local Walmart Distribution Center, then donated their work to Food Bank for Larimer County and the Weld Food Bank.
The project was made possible by one grant of $17,000 from Northern Colorado Walmart stores, Sam's Clubs, and the Walmart Distribution Center in Loveland. Those funds were passed on to the Pack Shack, who then purchased all the food and officially threw the party for the first time ever.
Some cool stats:
- Walmart supports local businesses. In 2016, the company spent about $1.8 billion on local supplies for its stores. That helps support nearly 30,000 jobs at those suppliers.
- Also in 2016, Walmart gave more than $22.3 million in cash to non-profits in our area.
- Walmart associates in Colorado personally volunteered 26,500 hours to local causes last year.
And now, something you don't hear very often: Hats off to Walmart!!!
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