The Northern Colorado Home Improvement Show is This Weekend
I used to promote shows like these while not being able to relate to them at all. This weekend, for the first time ever, I'm actually considering going to one. Oh, the old apartment days. Me & m' cats & a killer stereo.
The Northern Colorado Home Improvement Show is:
- At the Ranch (next to the Budweiser Events Center on I-25,) in the large First National Bank Exhibition Hall
- This Friday, 1/25 from Noon-5pm, & this Saturday and Sunday from 10am-5pm
- Free to attend.
The website milehighonthecheap.com says over 100 vendors will be on site to show their products and/or services. Get ideas, inspiration, and connections to complete your yard, furniture, garage, remodeling, decorating, or other home improvement projects.
When the Gundy tribe moved back to Fort Collins from Colorado Springs in 2014, we bought a house that needed a 100% cosmetic makeover (and a kitchen gut.) Today, all is fresh and new except one bathroom (drywall work, tile regrouting,) and the larger living and dining areas (de-popcorning a ceiling that's brown from cigarette smoke, retexturing, and smoothing over walls, replacing outlets and fixtures - jealous yet?,) then painting and modernizing the outside (broken shutters gone, replace all window & door trim so it can be painted and sealed from the weather,) then I want to deck out the landscaping, which is the part I'm not the most creative at - so I'll be going to the show this weekend for some connections on that. I'm enjoying doing the home makeover myself (60-70% of the time, anyway.) We'll see how far I get on it all this year!
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