The New York Post Calls Out Denver Mayor, “Hypocrites”
If you're not familiar, the New York Post is a popular tabloid— ahem, I'm sorry, I mean news source— for local and breaking news around the NY area. However, in this week's issue the Post decided to cover national figures who can be seen as COVID-19 "hypocrites", and our own Denver mayor did not escape the criticism.
On the front page of the paper, the Post collaged together photos of California Governor Gavin Newsom, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and of course, our Denver Mayor Michael Hancock. The headline reads in giant capital letters, "DO AS THEY SAY NOT AS THEY DO", calling them "Democrat COVID hypocrites" near the bottom of the page. See it for yourself right here:
Michael Hancock was in the news Thanksgiving weekend after it was revealed that he'd traveled for Thanksgiving to Mississippi to see his daughter and spend the holiday with her and his wife out of state. This came after the governor had repeatedly told his constituents to stay home and avoid travel.
Mayor Hancock has since made a public apology, but the Post doesn't really care about that...which is why Hancock may get some national attention for the next few days.

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