Just under 260,000 total UFO sightings in the United States have been reported since 1940.  That's an average of about 3,300 a year.

While Colorado doesn't crack the top 10 for chances of seeing an unidentified flying object, Wyoming is #1 in the nation.  This according to casino.org, who calculated the chances of seeing a UFO in all 50 states.

From second to 10th, such a sighting is most likely in Vermont, Montana, North Dakota, Alaska, Hawaii, New Mexico, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Maine.  Worst odds?  Florida, Texas, New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Arizona, New Jersey, Michigan, and Maryland.

As for Colorado, we have a one-in-86,600 shot at a UFO sighting; but there have been 6,506 reported so far in our state.

These figures are based on the number of sightings over the past eight decades, divided by the total population.


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