We are expected to get another round of snow here in Northern Colorado and all along the Front Range today and while it isn't expected to be one of the biggest snowstorms we've ever seen here in the great state of Colorado, we could see up to 4-5 inches by the time it's all said and done.


Even though this particular storm won't be bringing feet of snow to us in NoCo, I thought it would be fun to look back and check out some of the biggest snowstorms to hit Colorado...and dang, there have been some doozies!

According to OutThereColorado, the biggest snowstorms to hit Colorado have been impressive, to say the least, and if we stay on track, they'll be talking about this weekend's storm for years to come as well.

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Let's look back at some of the biggest blizzards to hit Colorado. It must have really sucked to have a North facing driveway during these storms.


Honorable mention: December 2006

The snow fell and kept on falling, piling up about a foot and a half in some places and stranding people in their neighborhoods for 3 days.

YouTube/ coppermtnram

5. March 2003

The most recent of these storms occurred during the exact same month 18 years ago, when snow fell pretty much nonstop for 3 days and dumped almost 3 feet of accumulation in Denver.

YouTube/ sshuzam

YouTube/ DenverIronman

4. Christmas Eve 1982

It was DEFINITELY a white Christmas back in '82 when this storm dropped 23.2 inches of snow, with drifts even going over houses in some areas.

YouTube/ Barry Conrad

3. October 1997

Shortly after Denver's brand-new International Airport opened, it was welcomed with a giant snowstorm that snarled air travel and stranded about 4,000 passengers with about 2 feet of snow and nasty winds.

YouTube/ NOAA

2. November 1946

Just after World War II came to an end, this storm crushed Colorado, especially the Eastern Plains, with many reporting three feet of snow or more. Denver itself got 30 inches during its second-longest snowfall. It snowed nonstop for 70 hours and 46 minutes. The streetcars, of course, couldn’t run, so the only thing that anyone could do was stay inside or start tossing snowballs. I'll probably be doing a lot of that this weekend, too.

1.December 1913

Can you imagine not knowing a snowstorm of this magnitude was coming? Well, that's pretty much what happened when the biggest blizzard every known to hit Denver came on December 1, 1913. it hit during a time when weather forecasting was in its infancy, so people were completely unprepared for the crazy amount of snow that pounded Colorado. The storm left about 4 feet of snow and remains the largest snowstorm every recorded in the city.

YouTube/ 9 News

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