Team from CSU Works to Recover Endangered Mouse Species in CO
An important group known as the Poudre River Site Conservation Team is making huge strides to help the survival of a threatened Colorado mammal that's currently listed under the Endangered Species Act.
Through their recovery efforts, the team, which includes Colorado State University conservation experts, has the ultimate goal of one day delisting the Preble’s meadow jumping mouse as an endangered species.
The Preble's mouse can only be found along Colorado's Front Range and in southeastern Wyoming, and below 7,600 feet in elevation. It's habitat consists of dense, streamside vegetation, typically made up of grasses, shrubs and flowering plants.
In order to successfully help recover the Preble’s mouse, the Poudre River Site Conservation Team plans on collaborating with community members. The group aims to provide conservation tools for habitat improvement to both public and private landowners, specifically in the North Fork of the Cache la Poudre watershed. This area includes more than 57 miles of healthy, riparian habitat, where the tiny Preble's mouse species tends to thrive.
The team will first evaluate the current conditions along the streams within the North Fork of the Cache la Poudre River watershed. From there, they will determine a suitable area for the recovery population.
In addition, the local team will be recommending land management practices to improve and reconnect habitat that's beneficial to the Preble's mouse.
The final component of the recovery efforts involves establishing financial resources through agreements and partnerships that are available to private landowners to improve the overall habitat for the endangered species. Financial opportunities will also be used to support future projects.
Sometimes it takes a village, and with the help of Colorado landowners and the Poudre River Site Conservation Team, it's hopeful that the Preble's meadow jumping mouse will be around for a long time to come.
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