
Help!  We Got Trumped!
Help! We Got Trumped!
Help! We Got Trumped!
(Disclaimer:  We don't tell our kids who to believe in, but we do make some very strong suggestions as to what.) It's a fact:  We become more like the people by whom we surround ourselves.  When it comes to who's president, some people think it influences our music, the way we dress, the way new cars look, and of course, how well we sleep at night. Then of co...
Here’s Green Day’s New Politically Charged Video “Troubled Times”
Here’s Green Day’s New Politically Charged Video “Troubled Times”
Here’s Green Day’s New Politically Charged Video “Troubled Times”
Green Day has released a music video for the song "Troubled Times," off their new album Revolution Radio. The clip, posted on Martin Luther King Jr. Day (January 16th), pays tribute to the slain civil rights leader while unleashing a barrage of criticism against President-elect Donald Trump. Fro...
Rock Against Trump in Denver
Rock Against Trump in Denver
Rock Against Trump in Denver
If you're really not on board with Trump this election season, 53 bands in Denver are with you, and they're creating a two-disc compilation CD, 'Rock Against Trump.'
candidates skip paying bills
candidates skip paying bills
candidates skip paying bills
The issue with paying localities and counties for the use of personnel in conjunction with a candidate visit has long been a frustrating situation for local officials, and some find sending a bill to be a waste of time.
Anti-Netflix and Chill Campaign
Anti-Netflix and Chill Campaign
Anti-Netflix and Chill Campaign
Sorry, but I can't tell our future grandkids that we got together because we pretended to watch Dazed and Confused while sucking face. Make America date again.
trump speaks on colorado
trump speaks on colorado
trump speaks on colorado
Since Marijuana became legal throughout the state of Colorado, the question has been raised on if it was the right thing to do. Count Donald Trump as one of those questioning it.