
Texting and Driving Legal?
Texting and Driving Legal?
Texting and Driving Legal?
As of June 1, some laws changed in Colorado — believe it or not — lightening up on texting while driving. However, this definitely doesn't mean you should do it, of course.
New Texting & Driving Law
New Texting & Driving Law
New Texting & Driving Law
In case you didn't know:  I am a texting & driving nazi.  I can't stand seeing this: It doesn't matter what your defense is.  Just don't, please.  Study after study has proven that you're so distracted while texting and driving, that it's literally more dangerous than driving drunk. I saw a car acciden...
Still Texting & Driving?  Pull Over And Watch This [Video]
Still Texting & Driving? Pull Over And Watch This [Video]
Still Texting & Driving? Pull Over And Watch This [Video]
I've been bearing some confessions in my blogs this week, so here's another:  I have called the fuzz on someone whom I saw texting while driving.  This person was driving exceptionally slow on busy I-25 and weaving across lanes while people honked at them, and when I drove up next to them, they were looking directly down at their phone. I did...
Still Texting & Driving?  Pull Over And Watch This [Video]
Still Texting & Driving? Pull Over And Watch This [Video]
Still Texting & Driving? Pull Over And Watch This [Video]
I've been bearing some confessions in my blogs this week, so here's another:  I have called the fuzz on someone whom I saw texting while driving.  This person was driving exceptionally slow on busy I-25 and weaving across lanes while people honked at them, and when I drove up next to them, they were looking directly down at their phone. I did...
Colorado Distracted Driving Enforcement Has Begun
Colorado Distracted Driving Enforcement Has Begun
Colorado Distracted Driving Enforcement Has Begun
This weekend the Colorado State Patrol will be out looking for distracted drivers as part of a statewide distracted driving enforcement period. Texting and driving is illegal for all Colorado drivers.
(970) 'Texts from Last Night'
(970) 'Texts from Last Night'
(970) 'Texts from Last Night'
Queen Elizabeth stops by, and the plot of a new Bond movie is revealed as the Good Morning Guys from our sister station, K99, read your embarrassing texts.
(970) 'Texts from Last Night'
(970) 'Texts from Last Night'
(970) 'Texts from Last Night'
These people live among us. They probably touch the same fruit as you at the grocery store and sit next to you at the DMV. You might even be one of them.
(970) 'Texts from Last Night'
(970) 'Texts from Last Night'
(970) 'Texts from Last Night'
These people live among us. They probably touch the same fruit as you at the grocery store and sit next to you at the DMV. You might even be one of them.
(970) 'Texts from Last Night'
(970) 'Texts from Last Night'
(970) 'Texts from Last Night'
These people live among us. They probably touch the same fruit as you at the grocery store and sit next to you at the DMV. You might even be one of them.

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