Sports Authority, as you know, had to change course - in fact, so rapidly that it scrapped plans for a Foothills Mall location last minute. However, Mile High Stadium likely won't be taking on a new naming sponsor for a good long while. And the reason is the same for both:
The 2017/18 CSU college students are here, the first CSU game is coming up August 26th against Oregon State, and that means our brand new stadium is ready for action.
While the number of Fort Collins residents complaining about rising rent prices seems to increase, affordable housing in place of Hughes Stadium is beginning to look more like a real possibility.
Fans were met with 93 new metal detectors at Sports Authority Field at Saturday's preseason Denver Broncos home opener.
Walk-through metal detectors, the same type as what you might see at the Pepsi Center and Coors Field, were installed to replace the hand wand and pat down system the facility previously implemented...
Architects from Denver-based Populous, who have been hired to design and build the new on-campus stadium at Colorado State University, offered the details of the plan to CSU boosters in Denver and Fort Collins this week, and then made the presentation public on Thursday. Populous is offering plans for a 42,000-seat venue a block north of Prospect Road, flanked by new parking garages, student ho