
A Guy Gets Ticketed For Leaving His Car Running In His Driveway
A Guy Gets Ticketed For Leaving His Car Running In His Driveway
A Guy Gets Ticketed For Leaving His Car Running In His Driveway
The City of Fort Collins website asks us to take two minutes to understand the numerous impacts that idling our vehicles brings about, and how big the effects really are. When I was a kid, people always warmed their cars up in the Wintertime, because if you didn't, it would die when you tried to drive it!  Si...
Free Beer & Hot Wings: Detroit Reporter Out-Squats a Squatter [Video]
Free Beer & Hot Wings: Detroit Reporter Out-Squats a Squatter [Video]
Free Beer & Hot Wings: Detroit Reporter Out-Squats a Squatter [Video]
You may have heard of squatters, people who unlawfully occupy an uninhabited building or unused land. Well, somehow a squatter in Detroit not only took over someone's home, but they also somehow got its owner sent to jail. So, a Detroit reporter, WJKB-TV Fox 2's Charlie LeDuff, decided to step in and help the homeowner out.

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