Truly kismet — or, a case of 'shouldn't have posted that online.' Either way, Facebook 'like' helped a man find his truck in Windsor two years after it was stolen.
The Greeley Mall was damaged by the severe thunderstorm that hit Weld County Monday afternoon. Water poured into the mall from the roof. We have the video.
Why Facebook Is Awesome
Since sometime in 2008, I have been a (self proclaimed) Facebook master. To me, there have been several reasons to update my status at least daily, if not up to half a dozen (not kidding) times a day:
Because this is hilarious.
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Don’t Fall for the Coupon Scams Making the Rounds on Facebook
You may be seeing surveys circulating on Facebook lately, claiming that those who participate will be rewarded with a $50 coupon to Home Depot and Lowes, or a $75 to Bed Bath & Beyond in honor of Mother's Day.