In the world we're living in today, you can never be too careful when it comes to people making threats of violence. We've seen it first hand, as Colorado has sadly fallen victim to multiple, devastating school shootings. Many schools have begun using a program called Safe2Tell, where students can anonymously report something they've heard or seen, and on May 22, this system may have been responsible for saving lives for one Fort Collins high school.

On Wednesday afternoon, following the end of the school day, the Fort Collins Police received more than ten reports through Safe2Tell regarding a student at Fossil Ridge High School. The reports indicated that the student had made statements threatening school violence to others. Upon receiving the reports, School Resource Officers immediately conducted an investigation and made contact with the student. Because he's a juvenile, his name will not be released, but the student was cited with a class 1 misdemeanor of Interference with Staff, Faculty, or Students of an Educational Institution.

The staff at Fossil Ridge are proud that students voiced their concerns so quickly, and that something worse did not take place.

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