Starter Packs for Northern Colorado: Round One
'Starter Pack' memes have been popping up on my Facebook feed more and more in the last month, and they're always a good laugh, because they're true. So I made a few, too, based on the people of Northern Colorado.
There is a lot to tackle here, so I'm starting off with one for the guys, and one for the girls this week.
Have a passion for longboarding and an affinity for free sunglasses they give you at CSU Ram Welcome? This starter pack has everything you need to ignite that epic bromance with yourself.*Axe body spray sold separately.
And for the ladies, do you post low resolution images to your Facebook timeline of beaches, with cliche quotes about how men should treat you superimposed on them? Do you love Carrie Underwood but still want to sound tough so you say things like, 'Real ladies drink whiskey,' even though every time you do you end up with your head in a toilet? Have we got a starter pack for you.
Everything has rhinestones on it, especially the pockets of your jeans (sold at Buckle). Speaking of buckles, we threw one in for you. While we did included fake tanning lotion and a hair straightener, note that boyfriend with a truck and a cup of spit will come later.
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