Scam Alert: That Might Not Be Amazon Emailing You
Coloradans, if you've been perusing the pages of Amazon, beware of the most recent email scam going around. If you receive an email that looks like it's regarding an order placed on Amazon, it may not actually be. Here's how to tell.
According to simplemost.com, the subject line of the fraudulent email may read something like 'Your Amazon.com order cannot be shipped,' or it may appear to alert you that there's something preventing an Amazon.com delivery, which ultimately leads you to divulge your personal and credit card info.
RELATED: Classic Email Scam Circulating in Northern Colorado
Supposedly, these emails look pretty real, so how do you know if it's not? There are a few red flags you can look for; Check them out at simplemost.com. Most easily though, they say that you can look at the email address. If it does not end in '@amazon.com,' then don't trust it.
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