Almost as famous as Loveland's Valentine remailing program, the town's 'Redman' has seen his better days. After four decades, he won't be as visible as he once stood, but he does live on.

Those like myself, who grew up in Loveland, Colorado, during the 1970s and 1980s, hold fond memories of when Redman stood on the south shore of Lake Loveland. It made Lovelanders very proud that the artist chose Loveland to host one of his Whispering Giants.

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It was 1979 when Peter Toth created Redman and installed it in Loveland; about 14 years later, in 1993, after the weather had taken its toll on the sculpture and safety became an issue, the city had Redman removed. According to the Reporter-Herald, that's when ranch owner Pat Block stepped up to have Redman live on her ranch.

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On Highway 34, just west of the turnoff to Carter Lake on the north side of the road, Redman has faced westbound traffic with his majestic face entertaining millions of travelers. Redman was the 31st of 74  Whispering Giants created by Toth between Oklahoma and Montana in 1979. The last Whispering Giant was created in 2009 and is in Indiana, but there are plans for eight more of the giants.

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The 37-foot sculpture has just become too unsturdy to remain upright, so, according to the Reporter-Herald, Block had Redman lowered to ground, face up. Travelers will still be able to stop and admire the work of art, it just won't be the towering figure it used to be.

Courtesy: Monica Sigler Brown

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Gallery Credit: Dave Jensen

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