The Boulder Bomb Squad was called to the Twin Peaks liquor store in Longmont around 10:45 a.m. on January 18 to investigate a report of several suspicious devices that were found in trash can right outside of the local business.

Police believe the suspicious devices could possibly be pipe bombs, and if so, may be explosive. An armored vehicle and a robot were brought to the liquor store, located on South Hover, in attempts to help with the investigation. Roads around the area are currently closed as authorities continue to inspect the situation. These roads include Bent Way from Hover to Dry Creek, and Dry Creek from Trade Center to Nelson. The liquor store is also closed during this time, as well as the neighboring dry cleaner.

UPDATE: According to Longmont police, the two devices that appeared to be pipe bombs were removed from the scene in the 900 block of South Hover around 2 p.m. The area was further checked by police and fire personnel but no other devices were located. At this point, it's still unknown whether or not the devices are active, and authorities are attempting to determine who placed them in the trash can. No photos have been released of the found items.

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