This morning, as I set off for a hike, I noticed that the air was muggy and thick, and it smelled like a campfire. After checking the air quality on my phone, I decided to promptly return to my apartment and stay indoors.

This is also the recommendation from the City of Fort Collins, who put out an alert on their Facebook page today about the smoke in the air. The City said,

At-risk and sensitive populations such as children, those who are pregnant, the elderly and those with respiratory ailments can be especially impacted by smoke.

See the full post, below:

If you are out and about today, try not to spend too much time outdoors: as much as we love our beautiful state, the air quality is currently ranking at a 157, which is in the 'unhealthy' range according to See the meter here:

Where is all this smoke coming from? As we reported earlier this week, the wildfires in California are affecting us as well. The thick band of smoke is the result of the wildfires that state is currently experiencing.

As the City of Fort Collins reported: stay inside, don't do anything that may cause you to breathe heavier outdoors (hiking, running, biking) and take this opportunity to open up a good book. Don't be like me and drive all the way to the trailhead, only to realize the air quality is a little unsafe!

For more on air quality updates and the latest alerts, follow our station app.

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Photos: 10 Reminders to 'Leave No Trace' in Colorado


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