We've begged, we've pleaded, we've all but threatened to show up at his house and picket for him to do it, and now he's... not doing it.

I saw the news that Peyton Manning would be hosting a Monday night football broadcast and yelped a little. 'Finally! Finally, he's agreed to do it- to host Monday Night Football. And what? His brother Eli, too? How cool! This is going to be awesome!'

My exuberance was quickly dashed when upon closer reading of the information, it's actually a show that will be ON Monday nights, but not THAT legendary Monday Night Football broadcast. It's going to be an ESPN2 show.

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Sure, this 'Altternate' MNF show sounds good, with 10 Monday night broadcasts for the next three seasons of football, with his brother and other football stars helping out, but it's just not as cool as hosting the one and only traditional Monday Night Football on 'regular TV.'

Pop Quiz: Can you name who's been hosting Monday Night Football, and will be hosting again, going into the upcoming season? I didn't think so. Steve Levy, Brian Griese, Louis Riddick, Lisa Salters and John Parry.

We love you, Peyton, but it looks like the picketing will indeed, be taking place.

Get more on the 'Alternate' Monday Night Football show from ESPN.

Peyton Will Never Be One of These Denver Broncos Forgotten Players

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Gallery Credit: Michael Leonard

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