New Taco + Tequila Bar Now Open in Downtown Greeley
After much anticipation, Luna's Tacos & Tequila is now open next to the Moxi Theater, to satisfy all of your post-concert Mexican food cravings.
A while back, Moxi Theater owner Ely Corliss announced he'd purchased the building next to his venue on 9th street with plans to open up a taco joint, and the doors are now open according to their Facebook page (where you can also see more photos of the inside, murals and rooftop patio included).
Luna’s will feature an innovative menu, sourced locally when possible, that pays homage to mexican flavors with a respect for authenticity and a passion for creativity. The bar will serve the finest tequilas, imported and local craft Mexican-style beer, and offer the finest craft tequila-based cocktails. (lunastacos.com)
Luna's is open Tuesday through Thursday from 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. and Friday and Saturday night until last call. Cheers to that!
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