We may joke that Colorado is the new California thanks to all the transplants, but we're pretty sure the Flatirons are in Boulder.

The new Netflix movie, Secret Obsession, is a thriller about a woman (Brenda Song from Suite Life, anyone?) who suffers from amnesia after an accident. She winds up with a man pretending to be her husband, like if Overboard wasn't a comedy.

As OutThere Colorado pointed out, if you've streamed the movie already, you may have noticed what Twitter user Zac Richardson did: that 'Silverado Canyon, 100 miles north of San Francisco' is a lot farther than 100 miles from San Francisco, because it's very clearly Boulder, Colorado. We can see you, CU.

Boulder's Daily Camera also reported that Silverado Canyon isn't even north of the Bay Area.

'The error has already been pointed out on the movie’s IMDB page, which identifies only filming locations in California,' Daily Camera said. 'In addition, Silverado Canyon is in southern California, not “100 miles north of San Francisco.'

Let this be a lesson in geography for us all.

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