Move Over or Get Pulled Over: Operation 1 Charlie 3 Happening Again on March 22
It’s so important for drivers to pull over to the farthest lane possible when an emergency vehicle with flashing lights is approaching in the rear view – not only is it the law, but it can result in someone’s life being saved.
About a month ago, deputies from the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office joined forces with other law enforcement agencies across the state to educate drivers on the requirement to move over for emergency vehicles on multi-lane roadways. On March 22, agencies will again be participating Operation 1 Charlie 3 – a heads up to drivers to prepare to move over or get pulled over on this day.
The “Move Over” law mandates that all drivers who are coming up to, or passing, a stationary emergency vehicle that’s giving a visual sign by means of flashing or rotating red, blue or white lights, or a stationary towing carrier vehicle that is giving a visual signal by means of flashing, rotating, or oscillating yellow lights shall exhibit due caution by moving over at least one lane if possible. If moving over a lane isn’t possible, such as in school or construction zones, drivers should greatly reduce their speed when passing these emergency responders. On Wednesday, deputies will be actively looking for opportunities to inform drivers of their unsafe failure to observe this requirement. Deputies say this education could possibly come in the form of a citation, including a charge of careless driving.
Operation 1 Charlie 3 was created to honor the memory of Colorado State Trooper Cody Donahue, who was tragically killed in 2016 after being struck by a driver that failed to move over on I-25.
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