A recent study indicates that millennials are not as healthy as Gen X, but fortunately for us, that may not be the case in Colorado. 

Healthline reported that according to Blue Cross Blue Shield, 'Overall health for millennials begins to decline at age 27, which is earlier than expected.'

Additionally, the study claims that 'millennials are more affected by behavioral health conditions than physical,' and millennial women less healthy than male counterparts.'

This seems hard to believe, considering most of my peers hike and bike the Rockies, do goat/puppy/kitten/insert-other-baby-animal-here yoga, and occasionally ditch red meat. We're also all about self care and preaching the importance of mental health. And, I know this because it's all over Instagram, duh!

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Well, that may be because we're Colorado millennials. Blue Cross Blue Shield mapped out the healthiest millennial states, which included Colorado along with Washington, California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada and Arizona.

Seems like it must be something about the western lifestyle, but actually, it's because not enough millennials utilize preventative care, the study says.

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You can read more about the study from Heathline.


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