If you happen to be one of those lucky people who always get bitten by mosquitos in the summer months of Colorado, you better hope you don't ever get bit by one of these pesky bugs.

It wasn't until I moved to Florida that I had a run-in with these terrible creatures. Their bites itch so badly. We're not talking about an inconvenient itch that comes with the bit of a mosquito. Think of days of intense itching followed by even more itching and scabs. It was a terrible experience of a bug bite lasting at least a week.

Flea Bites Are the Absolute Worst

Unlike mosquito bites, bites from a flea do not welt, rather, they are small bumps that can discolor in the area around the bite. There will also be clusters of bites from fleas in groups of three. More often than not, these bites will occur on your feet, ankles, and lower legs.

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It took us weeks to realize what we were being bitten by. We only found out that we had bites from fleas when a doctor told us what they were. We were mortified to say the least.

Does Colorado Have Fleas?

You might be surprised to find out that there are nearly 80 different species of fleas in the state of Colorado. While fleas are not as prevalent in Colorado as they are in other states, you can still get bit.

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According to Colorado State University,  the most common flea that bites people is the human flea, mainly found on wild animals. Human fleas are often found and picked up when they scatter from the wild animal's den, and they are picked up by pets or humans.

Thankfully, fleas are not as common in Colorado as they are in most southern states. The temperatures are too cold for many of the months and the humidity is too low for fleas to thrive too much. While fleas and infestations are not all that common, you should still protect your pets with flea and tick prevention. Trust me, you never want to be bitten by a flea.

RANKED: 12 Most Annoying Insects During Colorado Summers

We asked, you answered, and now we officially know what insects bug Coloradans the most.

Gallery Credit: Tanner Chambers

7 Invasive Insects in Colorado You Should Kill Immediately If You See Them

Check out the 7 most invasive insects found in Colorado. Many feel these insects should be exterminated on site. Find out what they are, and which parts of Colorado's habitat they are attacking the most.

Gallery Credit: Wes Adams





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