Do you ever daydream about packing up all your belongings and leaving Colorado? Well, I hope you don’t. While there are certainly things we Coloradans would like to change, I firmly believe that Colorado is a fantastic place to live.

People generally like to complain. I see people comment on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok about how they are looking forward to leaving Colorado. Are those commentators serious about relocating? Or are they just complaining to complain? We might have an answer.

How Much Coloradans Want to Relocate


Many Coloradans have researched relocating. analyzed Google search data and ranked the states that searched about relocation the most and least.

Their data is based on the number of searches per 100,000 people.

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Coloradans inquire about relocation more than almost every other state. Colorado ranked tenth in terms of interest in relocation.

So the desire to relocate is not just lip service. Residents of Colorado have at least looked into it.

Colorado: Remember the Grass Is Always Greener


At the end of the day, it is entirely your choice if you want to relocate. We all have different wants and needs out of this little thing called life.

If you are getting serious about relocating, please do us at least one favor. Do extra research on the state you would want to call home.

Things may be frustrating with your situation, but not all of your problems will be solved by making a move to another state.

Every state has its fair share of problems. Some are far more severe than others. If you're considering moving out of Colorado, make a list of pros and cons and that may help you make your final decision.

20 of the Highest Paying Jobs in Colorado in 2024

We're taking a look at twenty of the highest-paying jobs in the Centennial State in 2024 according to If you want to move to a career that pays better than your current one, the jobs below are the ones to look into.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

Names Only Coloradans Would Know How to Pronounce

Think you're a true Coloradan? Then you should be able to ace pronouncing these Colorado names.

Towns and places around Colorado take their names from many different languages. Spanish, Native American, Roman, Greek, and more appear in different place names, but that doesn't mean Coloradans follow the correct pronunciation.
Here are 8 that truly stump out-of-towners.

Gallery Credit: Tim Gray

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