Finding the right spot for a date night can be difficult in Colorado. You might be wondering things like this:

  • Is this too much for a first date?
  • Is this enough for our 10-year anniversary?
  • Do I suck at dating or what?

Of course, you need to plan your date around the person you are going on a date with.

Recently, a list went viral on X, and it listed 28 places you should never take somebody out on a date. All chain restaurants, bars, and events were listed as absolute no-gos.

RELATED: 8 Places in Northern Colorado You Should Never Ever Take a Date To

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Obviously, That is Ridiculous. But There Is a Point Here.


We need to be more creative when we are planning dates. We have an amazing date idea for you, but first, we asked Northern Coloradans where you should take somebody out on a date, and here are the responses.

Northern Coloradans Select Their Top 15 Date Night Spots

We asked you on Facebook where the best date night spots are in Northern Colorado and here is what you said.

Gallery Credit: Tanner Chambers

An Idea Out of the Ordinary


The Mustang Roller Coaster in Estes Park, Colorado, looks legendary. You roll down a mountain, and you are able to capture some of the most amazing views in Colorado.

The rollercoaster goes up to 25 mph, and you are able to control your speed with brakes.

This rollercoaster was built in 2020. According to TikTok, you travel 2,000 feet.

This Date Supports Local Business as Well

The Mustang Mountain Coaster is not owned by a large chain or a faceless corporation. The Mustang Mountain Coaster is locally owned, and its goal is to preserve land.

I wanted a way to share the ranch with people that don’t want to or can’t ride a horse. I needed to give the next generation of my family a way to keep the land from becoming yet more homes. - Cody Walker


What It Costs

  • 1 Ride Pass: $20.00
  • 3-Ride Pass: $35.00

8 Places in Northern Colorado You Should Never Ever Take a Date To

A new viral list came out and listed 28 places you should never take somebody on a first date. We reached out to you on Facebook, and here is what you told us.

Gallery Credit: Tanner Chambers

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