Hearts & Horses Therapeutic Riding Center is starting a capital campaign to replace their fabric covered arena with a larger, more durable and safer insulated steel building. Hearts & Horses serves people with disabilities in Northern Colorado.  Over the last 20 years, it has grown to 180 riders per week, expanded to a 23-acre ranch, and has one of the largest volunteer programs in Larimer County.

Anticipated costs for “Raising the Barn” is $1.5 Million.  Because Hearts & Horses relies on private donations to achieve its funding needs, they invite you to become a part of the fundraising effort.  If you or your business is interested in helping fund this new arena please contact, Tamara Merritt, Associate Executive Director, at 970-663-4200.

This YouTube video explains why Hearts & Horses needs a new arena:

Groundbreaking Ceremony

The public is invited to attend a groundbreaking ceremony for the new arena on Thursday, May 31 from 4:45 to 5:30 at Hearts & Horses ranch located at 163 N. County Road 29, Loveland.   Short tours of the existing facility will be given after the ceremony.  Hearts & Horses Board of Directors, staff, and riders will be on hand to answer questions.







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