As if we need one more thing to worry about right now, hail season is around the corner. Based on insurance data collected between 2016 and 2018, Colorado was ranked one of the worst states for hail damage, with two cities topping the list. 

According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), Colorado is the second-worst state when it comes to hail dents, only behind the state of Texas, with nearly 400,000 damage claims in that two-year period.

But wait, it gets worse. Two Colorado cities were the worst in the country for hail damage, based on claims: Colorado Springs with 67,920 and Denver with 48,357.

One hail storm in August of 2018 injured several people, and killed animals at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs.

More info from NICB is available here.

Animals of the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

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