Walk through just about any garden center right now and you'll see bags and bags of mulch available. A lot of people mulch as an easy way to make an area look better, but according to Wikipedia applying mulch helps with "conservation of soil moisture, improving fertility and health of the soil and reducing weed growth."

Do you need mulch? The City of Fort Collins is giving it away Saturday, June 5 at the site of the old Huges Stadium. Having a top loading vehicle is a must, so they can drop it in using a loader. Also, BRING A TARP so your precious free mulch doesn't fly all over the place.

The City of Fort Collins Forestry page says "approximately 19,500 yards of private tree branches and debris, from the March snow storm, were dropped off at the Hughes Stadium Site. These branches and debris were ground to produce about 10,000 cubic yards of mulch" Fun to think your damaged tree could now be spreading love to your yard, through the mulch.


Free Mulch Day is free to Fort Collins residents. June 5 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at CSU’s Old Hughes Stadium Site and in case you never made it to the infamous site of that stadium, type "2400 South Overland Road" into your preferred mapping guide.

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