Wedged between two freeway overpasses is Meow Wolf's new multi-million dollar Denver installation, Convergence Station.  The attraction is Meow Wolf's largest, and is set to open on Friday, September 17. 

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According to Meow Wolf, which first opened in Santa Fe before expanding to Las Vegas and Denver in 2021, the latest location was 'three years in the making.' It features art from 300 creatives, over 100 of which are from Colorado.

‍'This four-story exhibition is home to 70+ unique installations, rooms, and portals,' Meow Wolf's website says. 'Together, they tell an unforgettable, cathartic tale of converged worlds. Arrive as you. Leave transformed.'

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The theme of Convergence Station is that it's the joining of the human world with four alien worlds, brought to you by QDOT (Quantum Department of Transportation). Visitors can experience a handful of exhibits, like a labyrinth, a bustling neon metropolis and a sixth dimension.

I've been to the original Meow Wolf in Santa Fe, and it's definitely a trippy experience (I went into a dryer and came out in another room). It certainly looks like the Denver location will deliver, and we can only imagine the state of mind some Coloradans will go in with... You can see a sneak peek inside, below.

Starting in September, Convergence Station will be open seven days a week, until midnight on Fridays and Saturdays. Tickets are on sale now, but are already sold out for the entire opening weekend. You can get yours here.

Meow Wolf - Denver Sneak Peek

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