It could just be the state of the world that we live in today, that we could believe that employees of a Taco Bell could have put poison into a customer's food.

It was January 18, 2023, that it was reported that an investigation was underway, after a man fell violently ill after eating his taco bell order, which contained rat poison. Arapahoe Sheriff's deputies even had the south Denver, Colorado, Taco Bell in question shut down. What really happened?

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Nobody likes the idea of someone in the food industry tainting a customer's meal; I think that's why such a story can get so much attention. When it also involves such a large food chain, the story was bound to go viral. After further investigation, however, the story may be not all that was presented, at the time.


It all goes back to Sunday, January 15, 2022, when this male customer got into an argument with Taco Bell employees over how the soda machine wasn't working. The Arapahoe Sheriff's Office had to come by, but the man left with his order, which included an extra burrito. Later, the man contacted the Sheriff's Office again, after claiming he'd been sickened by the food.

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The local hospital agreed that the man had consumed food tainted with rat poison, and the sheriff's office opened an investigation. According to CBSColorado, Arapahoe Sheriff's Office did not find any evidence that the employees of Taco Bell had put the rat poison in the man's food.


That, indeed is the question. The man at the center of the investigation, who's still considered the victim, hasn't been able to be contacted by authorities. CBSColorado did find out that this man has had involved in not just several but dozens of legal actions across the past 30 years, however.


Without being able to contact the man, there's no way of getting to the bottom of the incident, which would have come with "attempted homicide" charges against Taco Bell and its employees, had the rat poison had been placed in the food by them.

At least this all takes the spotlight off of that Taco Bell. The rat poison got into the man's food, but they had nothing to do with it. The investigation continues.

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