Colorado and many other states take poaching very seriously; as such, you should be aware of local hunting laws. This man's misdemeanor charges have led to his being banned.

Millions of Americans love to hunt and do so legally. That's why a story of a person who seems so determined to do so illegally that he gets himself banned from the sport stands out.

One such man is named Iniki Vike Kapu. He's 28, from Colorado Springs, and is now banned from hunting in Colorado. And because Colorado is a part of the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact, he is banned from hunting in the 47 other states that are members, as well.

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According to a release from the Colorado Department of Wildlife, Kapu was accused of illegally killing 12 deer, 2 turkeys and a bighorn sheep ram across the region.

As part of his plea agreement, Kapu was sentenced to three months in jail and three years of supervised probation. At the end of February 2021, more penalties were added to the sentence from the Department of Wildlife hearing examiner.

The examiner permanently suspended Kapu's hunting privileges in Colorado.

From the examiner's statement:

Mr. Kapu’s crimes against wildlife are the essence of what defines a poacher by taking wildlife without regard for the laws protecting them..

..Iniki Kapu is viewed as a serious threat to Colorado’s wildlife and his violations are among the worst. The severity and level of indifference for wildlife in this case are rarely seen and cannot be tolerated.

According to the Colorado Department of Wildlife, Kapu has 35 days to appeal that decision.

Get more on Kapu, his crimes, and the Department of Wildlife's decision HERE.

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