WATCH: Explorer Discovers Gold Vein Near Old Colorado Mine
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
It's no secret that the state of Colorado was essentially built on mining. The 1800s saw a massive boom of mines pop up across the state which produced things like gold, silver, zinc, and other materials.

Many of these mines have become a thing of the past, but there are still signs of them and, in some cases, some of these precious materials are still around.
A YouTube channel called ColoradoGoldCamp gave us a fairly recent look into an apparently abandoned gold vein in an area that was once utilized for mining the precious metal, and an experienced explorer that runs the channel took us on a little tour of the area.
It's highly discouraged that you check out these places on your own, but keep scrolling to take a virtual tour and see what he found.
Colorado Explorer Finds Gold in Abandoned Mining Area
As with many of these types of excursions, the explorer does not disclose the location of the abandoned gold vein, but we do know that the channel is based out of the small mountain town of Leadville.
Our explorer made note of the many minerals on the ground surrounding the vein and, after some digging and safety measures, headed inside.
After poking around and taking some samples, our explorer took what he found and ground up the materials in a mill and just as he'd hoped, found traces of gold.
Keep scrolling to check out this abandoned gold vein found right here in Colorado:
WATCH: Explorer Discovers Gold Vein Near Old Colorado Mine
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