I'm not sure if it's permitted to camp on the water at Horsetooth Reservoir... but man, would it be awesome in one of these Shoal Tents. #TheWorldIsYourWaterBed

SmithFly created this literal water bed from floating rafts with a tent topper on them, so you can camp in the water.

There are no tent poles, the tent structure is totally inflatable and when inflatated stands up to high winds without a problem. - SmithFly

The soothing sound of water around you seems amazing. Well, that is until it gives you that urge to go to the bathroom. In that case, you'll want to not be too far from land, if you catch my drift...

Floating to sleep comes at a cost, however; $1,499 plus shipping and handling. Yikes! But, maybe worth it for the avid camper and fisher.



Via @SmithFly on Instagram

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