CDPHE Says Yes to Colorado High Schoolers Going to Prom
Corsages, boutonnieres and masks are a few things students can expect if their school allows prom in the spring of 2021. According to The Denver Channel, Colorado high schools are receiving guidelines from Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment about holding the annual spring dance in person.

Last year, students didn't get to live out the one-night event that most teens look forward to experiencing, but with a little extra precaution, it looks like this year, prom could be on.
— I know, how do students maintain a six foot social distance at prom? Sorry, dads! They won't have to. CDPHE 'says prom pods' can be used to help teens safely gather.
'Pods are assigned groups of no more than 10 attendees,' CDPHE says. 'While at prom, attendees are allowed to be less than six feet from members within their designated pod but must remain at least six feet away from separate pods.'
But, to make sure students follow pod guidelines, there will likely be more chaperoning (Feel better now, dads?)
CDPHE also encourages students to gather for prom dinners outdoors if possible (weather depending), and always keep masks on while dancing. You can see all of CDPHE's prom guidelines here.
The Denver Channel reported some Denver area school districts are working with CDPHE to be able to host prom this spring.
The NoCo Virus Tracker articles are made possible by our partners, the Keep NoCo Open campaign that reminds citizens to wear a mask, wash your hands, physically distance and support local as Northern Colorado recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.
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