After a few months of...what felt hitting the home stretch of this pandemic, the Delta Variant has slammed the door shut on that and now Boulder County is going to be asking you to mask up indoors once again starting today, (Friday September 3) at 5PM.

According to KDVR, The Boulder County Board of Health approved the order Thursday. It will apply to all people aged 2 and older, regardless of vaccination status.

The Board has also stated that it will allow businesses to implement a mandatory vaccination policy which simply means...if you're vaccinated, you'll be able to remove your mask within the facility.

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Boulder County has had over 5 days of high transmission so they're going to be playing things safe until transmission decreases to lower levels for 21 consecutive days, then they will no longer be required indoors.

Mask fatigue is real, and so is dealing with Covid. The fact that we're still dealing with this...from the start of 2020 and now we're just a few months away from 2022 has been frustrating so say the least.

This particular mask order does not apply to private residences and also has a few exceptions for temporary activities like religious ceremonies, being seated at a food service establishment and participating in certain indoor sports.

We can only hope that this doesn't trickle down to affect outdoor activities like fairs, sporting events, concerts etc to the point of needing to wear them to those events or worse yet...cancelling them.

The state of Washington has re-implemented their mask mandated to include all outdoor events that have more than 500 people.

Whatever the case may be, I'm going to the CSU Rams football game tonight and I'm going to take it all in and enjoy myself and hopefully, that trend will be able to continue for the remainder of the season as well because...we've waited a long time for this.



UP NEXT: 5 Things That Are Getting Us Through This Pandemic





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