Bernie Sanders Colorado Memes, Because It Was Only a Matter of Time
We are once again meme-ing Bernie Sanders. Since President Biden's inauguration Wednesday, the internet has been a really great place, mostly because of Bernie Sanders and #berniesmittens.
It was only a matter of time until the amateur photoshoppers of the world got to work. Here are a few Bernie memes we really enjoyed.
Courtesy of CBS Denver's Anica Padilla:
Brought to you by Denver's LoDo District:
9NEWS' Steve Staeger:
...Wait, there's more.
Our fave, Kyle Clark, with Casa Bernita.
"I am once again asking you to stop sending me photos of your patio furniture when it snows."
When you visit Denver International Airport and wait patiently to see something extraterrestrial. #mittens
Posted by Denver International Airport on Thursday, January 21, 2021

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